Web-Companion "Essential EU Law in Charts"


Dear Reader of "Essential EU Law in Charts, 2nd Lisbon edition, 2010". Please take note of the following updates and corrigenda:

Showing only entries concerning chapter Tables. VI. Case law. 1. Court of Justice of the European Union. View all entries

Recent case law | p. 335

Add two cases:

CELF I (2008)          Case C-199/06 CELF and Ministre de la Culture et de la Communication v SIDE [2008] ECR I-469 (Grand Chamber)……………9/44

CELF II (2010)          Case C-1/09 CELF and Ministre de la Culture et de la Communication v SIDE, judgment of 10 March 2010, n.y.r…………….9/44

The following entry should read:

Chemical Farmaceutici (1981):          Case 140/79 Chemial Farmaceutici SpA v DAF SpA [1981] ECR 1……………8/12

Published: 26 March 2010

Recent case law | p. 339

Add case:

Fresh Marine (2003)          Case C-472/00 P Commission v Fresh Marine Company A/S [2003] ECR I-7541……………12/29

Published: 24 May 2010

Typographical error | p. 333

The following entry should read:

Arcelor (2008):          Case C-127/07 Société Arcelor Atlantique et Lorraine and Others v Premier ministre, Ministre de l’Écologie et du Développement durable and Ministre de l’Économie, des Finances et de l’Industrie [2008] ECR I-9895 (Grand Chamber)…………..7/13

Published: 3 August 2010

Typographical error | p. 336

The following entries should read:

Commission v Germany (2008):          Case C-141/07 Commission v Germany [2008] ECR I-6935 ……………8/21

Commission v France (1997):          Case    C-265/95    Commission    v    France    [1997]    ECR    I-6959……………8/5,    12/7

Compagnie Maritime Belge (2000):          Joined cases C-395/96 P and C-396/96 P Compagnie Maritime Belge Transports SA, Compagnie Maritime Belge SA and Dafra-Lines A/S v Commission [2000] ECR I-1365 ……….9/20

Published: 3 August 2010

Typographical error | p. 341

The following entries must read:

Janecek (2008):          Case    C-237/07    Dieter    Janecek    v    Freistaat    Bayern    [2008]    ECR    I-06221……………6/3

Job Centre (1997):          Case C-55/96 Job Centre coop. arl. [1997] ECR I-7119 ……………9/3

La Cinq (1992):          Case T-44/90 La Cinq SA v Commission [1994] ECR II-1……………9/37


The following entry should be added:

Jégo-Quéré (2002):          Case T-177/01 Jégo-Quéré & Cie SA v Commission [2002] ECR 2002 II-2365……………12/8

Published: 3 August 2010

Typographical error | p. 342

The following entry should read:

Martínez Sala (1998):          Case C-85/96 María Martínez Sala v Freistaat Bayern [1998] ECR I-2691 ……………7/19

Published: 3 August 2010

Update | p. 345

Add the following new case:

Römer (2011)          Case C-147/08 Jürgen Römer v Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg, judgment of 10 May 2011, n.y.r. (Grand Chamber)……………10/14

The following entry should read:

Royal Scholten-Honig (1978):          Joined cases 103 and 145/77 Royal Scholten-Honig (Holdings) Limited v Intervention Board for Agricultural Produce; Tunnel Refineries Limited v Intervention Board for Agricultural Produce [1978] ECR 2037 ……………7/13, 12/29

Add two missing cases:

Schneider (2007) Case T-351/03 Schneider Electric SA v Commission [2007] ECR II-2237 ……………12/29

Schneider (2009) Case C-440/07 P Commission v Schneider Electric SA, judgment of 16 July 2009, n.y.r. (Grand Chamber) ……………12/29

Published: 10 July 2011

Typographical error | p. 346

The following entries should read:

SGL Carbon (2007):          Case C-328/05 P SGL Carbon AG v Commission [2007] ECR I-3921 ……………9/29

SPCM (2009):          Case C-558/07 The Queen, on the application of S.P.C.M. SA, C.H. Erbslöh KG, Lake Chemicals and Minerals Ltd and Hercules Inc. v Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, judgment of 7 July 2009, n.y.r. (Grand Chamber) ……………7/13

Strawberries (1997):          Case    C-265/95    Commission    v    France    [1997]    ECR    I-6959……………1/12, 8/3, 8/5, 8/30, 12/16

Published: 3 August 2010

Typographical error | p. 349

The following entries should read:

Walt Wilhelm (1969):          Case 14/68 Walt Wilhelm and others v Bundeskartellamt [1969] ECR 1 ……………7/13

Windsurfing International (1986):          Case 193/83 Windsurfing International Inc. v Commission [1986] ECR 611 ……………9/9

Published: 3 August 2010

Update | p. 340

The following entries should be added (update):

Inuit (2011):          Case    T-18/10    Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami and Others v Parliament and Council, order of 6 September 2011, n.y.r…………….12/7

Indus (2011):          Case 371/10 National Grid Indus BV v Inspecteur van de Belastingdienst Rijnmond/kantoor Rotterdam, judgment of 29 November 2011, n.y.r. (Grand Chamber)…………….8/45

Published: 3 March 2012

Update | p. 338

The following entry should read:

Excessive Deficit Procedure (2004):          Case C-27/04 Commission v Council [2004] ECR I-6649 (Full Court)…………………..7/5, 12/12

Expedia (2012):         Case C-226/11 Expedia Inc. v Autorité de la concurrence and Others, judgment of 13 December 2012, n.y.r…………….9/11

Published: 18 June 2013

New case law | p. 342

Add the following case:

Marleasing (1990):          Case C-106/89 Marleasing SA v La Comercial Internacional de Alimentacion SA [1990] ECR I-4135 ……………6/10

Published: 26 March 2011

Update | p. 343

Add the following new case:

Microban (2011)          Case T-262/10 Microban International Ltd and Microban (Europe) Ltd v European Commission, judgment of 25 October 2011, n.y.r…………….12/7

Published: 4 March 2012

Update | p. 344

Add the following new case:

Pringle (2012):          Case C-370/12 Thomas Pringle v Governement of Ireland, Ireland and The Attorney General, judgment of of 27 November 2012, n.y.r. (Full Court)……………7/5

Published: 18 June 2013