Updates & Corrigenda

Dear Reader of "Essential EU Competition Law in Charts, 2011 Edition". Please take note of the following updates and corrigenda:
New legislation | p. 71
The box in the 3rd row, on the right hand side, entitled “New aid, Art. 108(3) TFEU” must read:
New aid, Art. 108(3) TFEU
Prior notification to the Commission and examination by the Commission; e.g. Lufthansa (2013)
The box in the 5th row, on the right hand side, entitled “Effect of notification” must read:
Effect of notification
• The aid cannot be granted before being approved by the Commission.
• Recovery of unlawful aid: non-notified aid is unlawful and in principle must be paid back; e.g. Deufil (1978), CELF (2008, 2010).
• Following notification, there is a stand-still obligation on the Member States which is enforced by the national courts.