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Dear Reader of "Essential EU Competition Law in Charts, 2011 Edition". Please take note of the following updates and corrigenda:

Typographical error | p. 35

Page: 035 Chapter: 2.1.2 Exemptions from Art. 101 (1) TFEU Chart Number: C18 Chart Title: Block exemptions: vertical agreements

The box in the 3rd row, entitled “Terms of the Regulation, Arts. 2-8” must read:

Terms of the Regulation, Arts. 2-8

In principle, all arrangements that do not constitute hardcore restrictions or excluded restrictions are allowed, if the _ market shares of both the supplier and _ the buyer in their respective relevant markets are ≤30% (in the case of a subsequent rise, the exemption continues to apply for a limited period of time).

To the following types of agreements further conditions apply, Art. 2(2)-(4):
• Agreements between an association and its members, or an association and its suppliers;
• Non-reciprocal agreements between competing undertakings;
• Agreements relating to the assignment to, or the use by, the buyer of intellectual property rights provided that those provisions do not constitute the primary object of such agreements and are directly related to the use, sale or resale of the contract goods or services (primary object: see Chart C21).

Published: 19 May 2012