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Dear Reader of "Essential EU Law in Charts, 2nd Lisbon edition, 2010, <...> Reprint".

Please take note of the following updates and corrigenda. Please consider that this book has seen several reprints, which brought about minor updates with each reprint. It may  therefore occur that updates or corrigenda are listed which may already have been taken care of in your printed copy.

Typographical error | p. 220

Page: 220 Chart Number: 9/7 Chart Title: Art. 101 TFEU: an overview

The 3rd box must read:

Examples of joint action that does not fall under Art. 101(1) TFEU:
• Parent company and subsidiary, if the subsidiary has no real freedom to determine its course of action in the market, and if the conduct is concerned merely with the internal allocation of tasks; Centrafarm (1974), Viho (1996);
• Collective agreements between employers and workers that pursue social policy objectives; Albany (1999), Van der Woude (2000);
• Principle and agent relationships where the agent is not an independent economic operator; CEEES (2006), CEPSA (2008).

Published: 27 March 2011