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Dear Reader of "Essential EU Law in Charts, 2nd Lisbon edition, 2010, <...> Reprint".

Please take note of the following updates and corrigenda. Please consider that this book has seen several reprints, which brought about minor updates with each reprint. It may  therefore occur that updates or corrigenda are listed which may already have been taken care of in your printed copy.

Typographical error | p. 255

Page: 255 Chart Number: 9/42 Chart Title: Derogations

The box entitled “Art. 106(2) TFEU” (2nd row, in the middle) should read:

Art. 106(2) TFEU

See Chart 9/36, Chart 9/42

The box entitled “Harmonisation” (bottom, right hand side) should read:


In certain fields, Regulation 1370/2007/EC applies instead of Art. 93 TFEU:
• National and international operation of public passenger transport services by rail and other track-based modes and by road;
• If the Member States so chose: public passenger transport by inland waterways and national sea waters (without prejudice to Regulation 3577/92/EEC on maritime transport).

Published: 29 September 2010