Web-Companion "Essential EU Law in Charts - Reprints"
Details...Dear Reader of "Essential EU Law in Charts, 2nd Lisbon edition, 2010, <...> Reprint".
Please take note of the following updates and corrigenda. Please consider that this book has seen several reprints, which brought about minor updates with each reprint. It may therefore occur that updates or corrigenda are listed which may already have been taken care of in your printed copy.
Update | p. 187
The box entitled “Primary establishment” (last row, on the left-hand side) should read:
Primary establishment
Taking up and pursuing an economic activity in another Member State:
• Natural persons: e.g. leaving one Member State in order to set up office elsewhere; Reyners (1974);
• Companies: e.g. merging with a company in another Member State; SEVIC (2005).Limit: national rules on the “nationality” of a company; Cartesio (2008), concerning the moving of the seat while wishing to remain under law of the first Member State; as opposed to Indus (2011), concerning a legitimate exit tax in the event of a company’s moving the registered office.