Web-Companion "Essential EU Law in Charts - Reprints"
Details...Dear Reader of "Essential EU Law in Charts, 2nd Lisbon edition, 2010, <...> Reprint".
Please take note of the following updates and corrigenda. Please consider that this book has seen several reprints, which brought about minor updates with each reprint. It may therefore occur that updates or corrigenda are listed which may already have been taken care of in your printed copy.
New legislation | p. 027
Following recent political development, the fourth box must read:
• Uniformity:
The same treaties are signed by all Member States.• Diversity:
E.g. protocols and accession treaties may lead to differences relating to the applicability of the law (so-called “variable geometry”, “Europe of multiple speed”, “Europe à la carte”, “differentiated integration”).Special in the EU:
Procedural rules for diversity. Since the Amsterdam revision (1997/1999; see Chart 2/26), there are rules for the creation of specific law: so-called “closer cooperation” or “enhanced cooperation” (Title IV of the TEU and Arts. 326 TFEU et seq.). First example: Decision 2010/405/EU (authorising enhanced cooperation in the area of the law applicable to divorce and legal separation), Regulation 1259/2010/EU (law applicable to divorce and legal separation); see Chart 2/11.