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Dear Reader of "Essential EU Law in Charts, 2nd Lisbon edition, 2010". Please take note of the following updates and corrigenda:

Typographical error | p. 134

Page: 134 Chart Number: 7/19 Chart Title: The importance of Art. 21(1) TFEU

The box  beginning with “Wider scope of free movement law:” (5th row, first box to the left-hand side) should read:

Wider scope of free movement law:

Through Art. 21(1) TFEU, the Court has brought new issues within the scope of free movement law.

E.g. job seekers allowance as part of the right of access to work; Collins (2004), Ioannidis (2005), Vatsouras (2009).

The box  beginning with “Right to equal treatment under Art. 18 TFEU …” (5th row, box in the middle) should read:

Right to equal treatment under Art. 18 TFEU (focus on nationality; see Chart 7/15):
In relation to various different issues; e.g.:

  • Child-raising allowance not falling under other EU law; Martinez Sala (1998);
  • Social assistance benefit; Trojani (2004);
  • Student loan; Bidar (2005);
  • Taxation of the economically inactive; Commission v Portugal (2006), Turpeinen (2006) _.

Further, the box  beginning with “Increasing importance of Art. 20(1) TFEU …” (5th row, last box to the right-hand side) should read:

Increasing importance of Art. 21(1) TFEU by itself, i.e. without reference to other EU law:


  • Direct effect of Art. 21(1) TFEU; Baumbast (2002);
  • Prohibition of “restrictions to the freedoms conferred by Article 21 TFEU on every citizen”, unless there is an objective justification; De Cuyper (2006), Tas-Hagen and Tas (2006), Rüffler (2009).
Published: 10 March 2012