Web-Companion "Essential EU Law in Charts" 5th 'post Brexit' ed 2020

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Update | p. 73

Page: 073 Chart Number: 2/34 Chart Title: International Cooperation and European Integration: an overview

The the box entitled “Examples:” must read:


Relevant multilateral European treaty regarding trade issues when the following countries are involved:
• Malta and Ireland: TFEU;
• Finland and Norway: EEA Agreement;
• Switzerland and Iceland: EFTA Agreement.


There are also bilateral treaties; e.g.:
• Customs Union between Switzerland and Liechtenstein (1923 – relevant for the EEA);
• Free Trade Agreement between the EEC and Switzerland (1972 – relevant for the EU);
• Customs Union between the EEC and San Marino (1991- relevant for the EU); in the future Association Agreement;
• Customs Union between the EC and Turkey (1995 – relevant for the EU);
• Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement between the EU and _Ukraine, which is part of a broader Association Agreement between the EU, its Member States and _Ukraine (2014 – relevant for the EU).

Published: 16 August 2024