Web-Companion "Essential EU Law in Charts" 5th 'post Brexit' ed 2020
Details... Dear Reader of "Essential EU Law in Charts, 5th 'post Brexit' edition, 2020". Please take note of the following updates and corrigenda:Update | p. 73
The the box entitled “Examples:” must read:
Relevant multilateral European treaty regarding trade issues when the following countries are involved:
• Malta and Ireland: TFEU;
• Finland and Norway: EEA Agreement;
• Switzerland and Iceland: EFTA Agreement.
There are also bilateral treaties; e.g.:
• Customs Union between Switzerland and Liechtenstein (1923 – relevant for the EEA);
• Free Trade Agreement between the EEC and Switzerland (1972 – relevant for the EU);
• Customs Union between the EEC and San Marino (1991- relevant for the EU); in the future Association Agreement;
• Customs Union between the EC and Turkey (1995 – relevant for the EU);
• Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement between the EU and _Ukraine, which is part of a broader Association Agreement between the EU, its Member States and _Ukraine (2014 – relevant for the EU).