Web-Companion "Essential EU Law in Charts" 4th ed 2018

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Update | p. 162

Page: 162 Chart Number: 8/2 Chart Title: Free movement: only cross-border cases

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 Purely internal situations

  • Cases which are confined in all relevant aspects within a single Member State (i.e. without an international element) are not covered; e.g. Care insurance (2008); Ullens de Schooten (2016), Gibraltar Betting and Gaming (2017). Note, however, the special case of establishment under Directive 2006/123; Chart 8/54.
  • Reverse discrimination (i.e. worse treatment of a Member State’s own nationals or goods) is not an issue; e.g. Saunders (1979), in relation to the free movement for workers; Mathot (1987), in relation to the free movement of goods; compare with Rau (1982).
Published: 2 April 2019