Web-Companion "Essential EU Law in Charts" 4th ed 2018

Update | p. 069
The box in the 3rd row on the left hand side entitled “Through the withdrawal agreement” must read:
Through the withdrawal agreement
Exampels of possible issues:
- Transitional rules;;
- The protection of acquired rights,
e.g. of citizens having exercised Union rights before the withdrawal of the State in question (maintenance of residence rights etc.);- Budget and financial obligations of the exiting state / the EU.
Protection of acquired rights is not guaranteed through Art. 50 TEU, different from e.g. Art. 23 of the EU- Swiss Agreement on the free movement of persons.
E.g. the UK Government on the 31 January 2020
The box in the 3rd row in the middle must read:
Through an alternative arrangement for post- membership relations
Various possibilities in theory, notably:
- EFTA and EEA membership (“Norway model”);
- Customs union (“Turkey model”);
- Sectoral agreements (“Switzerland model”);
- Free trade and investment agreement of the modern type (“Canada model”);
- No special arrangement, WTO law only (“Hong Kong model”).
E.g. the UK Government:
- Alternatives to Membership: possible models for the United Kingdom outside the European Union (March 2016);
- The United Kingdom’s exit from and new partnership with the European Union (February 2017): ‘an ambitious and comprehensive Free Trade Agreement’.