Web-Companion "Essential EU Law in Charts" 4th ed 2018

Update | p. 64
The text in the 1st line under the 3rd box reading “Enlargement (Art. 49 TEU); see Chart 2/26 (in the case of some countries: moving from the EFTA to the E(E)C/EU)” must read:
1973 ECSC, Euratom, EEC Denmark, Ireland, UK (withdrew on 31.1.2020)
The text in 1st line under the 4th box, entitled “(Potential) Candidate States” must read (in February 2019, the “Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” formally changed its name to “Republic of North Macedonia”):
EU and Euratom Candidate States: Albania, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Turkey
The text under the 5th box reading “Withdrawal (Art. 50 TEU); see Chart 2/27” must read:
2020 EU and Euratom UK