

A modular approach:

  • For Experts
  • For Beginners
  • For Non-Lawyers
Jerzy Buzek [at that time President of the European Parliament on “Essential EU Law in Charts”: …It is more than ever essential for students, legal practitioners, national judges, and indeed the citizens whom we represent in the European Parliament, to have concise and practical resources to help them understand the Union’s dynamic legal order. Charting complex areas of Union law clearly and understandably goes very much in this direction and should therefore be warmly welcomed.

Florian Holzer (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München): “… Das ist die Meisterklasse der Rechtsvisualisierung.



New! An Overview Chart detailing the EU’s digital policies and relating regulative ‘grand design’ (with partial cross-references to OECD and Council of Europe). Clicking on text in blue directly leads to relevant sources. [Posted 20.7.2024]


New!  A Text [in German only] with charts explaining the institutional challenges in the bilateral relationship between Switzerland and the EU and the status of the ongoing negations about a ‘package’ of bilateral treaties between these two parties [Brevier zu den institutionellen Fragen im Paketansatz Schweiz – EU, Ausgabe 2024-03.3] has been prepared for free download from the download page of this website. [Posted 18.3.2024]



A Text [in German only] with charts explaining the institutional challenges in the bilateral relationship between Switzerland and the EU and the status of the ongoing negations about a bilateral treaty on institutional matters between these two parties [Tobler/Beglinger-Brevier zum Institutionellen Abkommen Schweiz-EU, Ausgabe 2021-05.1] has been prepared for free download from the download page of this website. [Posted 2.5.2021]


The books Essential EU Law in Charts and Essential EU Law in Text are published in an updated and enlarged 5th ‘post-Brexit edition 2020, i.e. in time for the beginning of the new academic year 2020/2021. [Posted 11.8.2020]


Translations of the book “Christa Tobler, Jacques Beglinger, Essential EU Law in Charts (2018)” into German language is available on this website. In an initial phase, the download will be free. At a later stage, translations may become a print product and then be distributed through regular sales channels for books.  [Posted 13.8.2019]


A set of  Additional Charts to explain the mechanism foreseen by Art. 50 TEU in case a Member State considers withdrawal from the European Union, e.g. UK following the advisory referendum on 23 June 2016 (“Brexit”) and the subsequent ruling in the high court of 3 November 2016, have been prepared for free download from the download page of this website.  These Charts complement the book “Essential EU Law in Charts“. [Posted 3.11.2016]

An updated and slightly extended 3rd edition of the books “Christa Tobler, Jacques Beglinger, Essential EU Law in Charts / Essential EU Law in Text”,
reflecting relevant new EU regulations and case law of the Court of Justice, will be available in mid-August 2014 (i.e. on time for the new academic year).  The charts part will comprise five new charts, dealing with:
– The so-called Trilogue (informal tripartite meetings of the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission) in the making of secondary law, in particular in the ordinary legislative procedure;
– The combined effect of a directive and a general principle of EU law/a right under the Charter of Fundamental Rights (i.e. the Mangold / Kücükdeveci situation);
Private enforcement of EU competition law, in particular actions for damages brought by private parties under national law;
– The special enforcement rules of EU non-discrimination law in the social field and
– The standing of non-privileged applicants in the annulment procedure with respect to regulatory acts that do not entail implementing measures.  [Posted 18.7.2014]



Additional Exercises and Suggested Solutions on competition law on the intermediate level have been posted. These are part of: Tobler Christa/Beglinger Jacques/Geursen Wessel, Essential EU Competition Law in Charts, HVG-Orac 2011, 75 charts, 144 p., ISBN 978-963-258-118-7. The Exercises and Suggested Solutions on the intermediate level are available for download here  [Posted 22.9.2013]



Both finalist teams of the 2013 European Law Moot Court Competition (www.elmc.org) used the Charts on EU competition law as well as Essential EU Law in Charts for preparations and even for the finalist pleadings in front of the real ECJ judges at the ECJ in Luxemburg (the team of the University of Leiden eventually won the final against the  team of the KU Leuven; congratulations to both teams!)  [Posted 12.4.2013]


Solutions to the 64 exercises contained in “Essential EU Law in Text”


The Project reached an agreement with the Academy of European Law in Trier (www.era.int) to turn the Charts on EU competition law into an e-learning module. [Posted 1.1.2012]


The National School of Judiciary and Public Prosecution (KSSiP) of Poland, which country currently holds the EU presidency, acquires the licence rights to translate a large number of EU law Charts into Polish and use them online and on paper for its statutory tasks. [Posted 1.7.2011]


“Essential EU Competition Law in Charts” has been fully translated into the Hungarian language. This new edition is also published by HVG-Orac; ISBN 978-963-258-125-5 [Posted 15.4.2011]


The Academy of European Law ERA in Trier agreed with the Project to include EUR-Charts materials in their forthcoming e-learning courses. ERA is a non-profit public foundation that provides training in European law to judges, public servants and private practitioners. Its patrons include most EU member states and it is supported by the EU. [Posted 14.3.2011]


The companion website for the new book “Essential EU Competition Law in Charts” features:
– PDF-package with 20 important regulatory texts for individual download;

– Direct EUR-lex access to all regulatory texts and cases cited in the book.
[Posted 21.2.2011]


The EU Parliament, Policy Department Economic and Scientific Policy, Internal market and consumer policy, ordered its Briefing Paper 2010 on “Internal Market beyond the EU: EEA and Switzerland” to be supplemented by a set of EUR-Charts diagrams. [Posted 8.2.2010]

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